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A Sustainable Solution to Hunger

1 in 10 people go hungry every night

Take Hunger Off The Menu-Hunger Stats

That’s 820 million worldwide

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger is about creating a world free of hunger by 2030.

While efforts to reduce food waste and distribute food through food banks are important pieces of the solution to end hunger, a truly sustainable solution must include three critical components:

Sustainable Locally Led Development

A self sufficiency model that provides resources and training to individuals, empowers people to lift themselves out of hunger and gives them the means to build their communities. By providing a hand up rather than a handout, program recipients are empowered and maintain their dignity.

Climate-Smart Agriculture

Farms are the sources of all food, but if the land and resources used aren’t treated with earth-friendly and humane practices, the solution will lack long-term viability. Heifer teaches farmers how to increase crop yields while keeping the earth healthy for future generations. We give farmers the resources and support they need to leave the planet better than we found it.

Empowering Women and Youth

Women make up 41% of the global agricultural workforce, but they own only 15% of the land due to structural barriers like land distribution, unequal access to knowledge, skills, technology and capital. Additionally, they are less empowered to be leaders and decision-makers. Closing the agricultural gender gap has the potential to increase global food production by up to 30%.